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2nd Annual Legislative Education and Advocacy Fair Share Out

Logos for coalition of orgs supporting the Washington State Legislative Education and Advocacy Fair

Our 2nd Annual Legislative Education and Advocacy Fair last week was a big success!
There’s just over a month left in the 2024 WA Legislative session, so be sure to sign up for our twice-weekly action alerts and join in on the advocacy funWe’ve mobilized 386 people to take 22,822 actions so far!

Thank you very much to everyone who was a part of making the Legislative Education and Advocacy Fair event so powerful and awesome.
* We had 190 folks register and enjoyed tons of education, a fun skit on how to give remote testimony on a bill, and heard from so many presenters! 
* Here are the video and slides
Here’s where you can learn more and get connected to all the fabulous organizations who presented.

This event was co-hosted by Our Climate, 350 WA Civic Action Team (CAT), Native Vote WA, UTOPIA WA, Climate Action Families, WA Ethnic Studies Now, Sierra Club WA, Environment WA, Washington Conservation Action, Climate Solutions, The Lands Council, Transportation Choices Coalition, Save Our wild Salmon, Methow Valley Citizens Council Action Fund, Climate Rail Alliance, and Audubon WA.

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