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Let's Build Social Housing in Seattle! Find an event for Prop1A

Seattle Green New Deal

After winning our Electrify Seattle campaign in Dec ’23, our team is in research & planning mode. Stay tuned for our next Green New Deal campaign!

Our Green New Deal campaigns are all about saying ‘yes’ to the healthy climate future we need. We build power for solutions like green affordable housing, upgrading buildings for clean energy, climate resilience hubs, solar-powered schools, walkable neighborhoods and more!

Since we co-launched Seattle’s Green New Deal with Got Green in 2019, we’ve worked in broad community coalition to win campaigns like:

  • JumpStart Seattle: raising $200M/yr for affordable housing and clean energy upgrades
  • Solar Schools: funding rooftop solar at 14 Seattle Public Schools
  • Healthy Through Heat and Smoke: upgrading half of Seattle’s community centers to be climate resilience hubs where we can safely shelter from heat and smoke
  • Electrify Seattle: transitioning Seattle’s big buildings off fossil fuels and making sure big landlords pay their fair share

Our campaigns are powered by member-organizers who do campaign research, community outreach, direct actions, education, public comment, lobbying elected officials, communications and relationship-building with community partners.


Our Green New Deal campaigns build people power to win local investments that reduce pollution, build healthy communities and create green union jobs for all.


Green New Deal For Social Housing

Housing for all, and healthy climate resilient futures: Together with House Our Neighbors, we’re organizing to pass Prop 1a so we can win permanently affordable, publicly owned, green social housing that’s good for the planet and good for our communities!

Prop 1a will be on the ballot at the special election on February 11th, 2025. Get involved to help pass Prop 1a!

Callout to public employees of Washington State about divesting pensions from fossil fuels

Climate Safe Pensions Washington

The climate crisis poses a serious threat to our retirement savings and our Washington State Investment Board is investing in companies that pour fuel on the fire. The WSIB is failing to effectively use its power to mitigate these risks.


Keep an eye out for a campaign launch in the coming months. And in the meantime, we hope you’ll plug in with one of our many other awesome teams!


Contact Aki (350 Seattle Campaigns Co-Director) at


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Honoring climate stories and the value of creativity outside of its commodification.

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