We come together in this work out of deep love for people and planet. In that spirit, we strive to approach it with commitment, compassion, and humility. How we work together shapes the world we’re in.
We exist to inspire people to act effectively to address the systemic causes of the climate crisis. We foster a culture where we encourage community involvement and a supportive atmosphere, innovative ideas, dissent, and creativity in order to redefine what is possible (politically, economically, socially, and within our legal system).
We understand that discomfort and hard work are necessary for growth. We strive to be forgiving of ourselves and each other, and create space for honest deep engagement, and humble constructive communication, both within 350 Seattle and within our broader movements.
We strive to be an organization that is financially sustainable and that makes its decisions independent of real or perceived funding consequences.
We believe in using civil disobedience and nonviolent direct action to strategically bring about political change and culture shifts. We consider this strategy carefully, while keeping in mind the historic and ongoing trauma, and the potentially severe consequences, for traditionally oppressed people who choose to employ it.
*NOTE: Some of our Points of Unity have been inspired by Black Mesa, Pangea and Unsettling America
**10 Tips on Receiving Critical Feedback – A Guide for Activists