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Category: NoDAPL

Sit-in of divestment campaign activists in front of Chase Bank doorway in Seattle

Civil Disobedience as Community Service

Whether it was yet another police shooting, the war in Syria, or a pipeline protest, I felt powerless to make anything change. But Standing Rock seemed different, and events since then have confirmed that perception. It seems like the protest never died, just spread to other locations.

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Marchers in the street opposing the Dakota Access Pipeline being built at Standing Rock

To be alive now is a gift

Millie always asks me to talk about our name for a minute, so excuse me if you’ve heard this before. Our group is called 350 because this is a number that’s essential to life on this planet. Throughout human history, we’ve had about 280 parts per million of carbon in our atmosphere. As we’ve used radically more fossil fuels in the last hundred years, that number has climbed and climbed. And scientists know that in order to have a stable climate, we have to be below 350 parts per million—maybe even lower.

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Promo image for #NoDAPL march and rally in Seattle

We Rise with Standing Rock

In solidarity with the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe’s global call to action against the Dakota Access Pipeline, indigenous grassroots leadership in Seattle is calling on local tribal nations and their allies to peacefully march and rally on FRIDAY. Coinciding with the Indigenous People’s March in Washington DC, speakers will include tribal chairpersons, indigenous NoDAPL leaders, and key allies.

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Seattle activists stand in front of Wells Fargo asking them to divest from the Dakota Access Pipeline

How Seattle can help kill DAPL

Here in Seattle we’ve risen to the challenge too: dozens have closed their accounts, protesters have disrupted branches, and last week some five hundred people rallied at Wells Fargo’s Seattle HQ.

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What does it mean for the City of Seattle to Stand with Standing Rock?

Three months ago, Standing Rock’s leadership requested that we “take bold action in our local communities to force investors to divest from the project.” In Seattle, we’ve done that: last week, dozens closed their accounts at Wells Fargo Center, as 500+ rallied outside (Wells Fargo is one of the largest investors in DAPL).

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Help Water Protectors get lawyers!

With over 550 people arrested at Standing Rock, the legal system is overwhelmed, and the pool of North Dakota attorneys willing to take Water Protector cases has been exhausted.  Many out-of-state attorneys are eager to join the fray–but they can’t, because they’re not authorized to practice in ND.

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Raining Peaceful hellfire on Wells Fargo

0+ people from the climate action group 350 Seattle disrupted business at Wells Fargo in Seattle today to protest the company’s funding of the Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL). Singing as they entered, the activists unfurled banners that had been hidden in yoga mats, such as “Wells Fargo: Divest Now, Not in our Name, Not with our Money”, “Defund Dakota Access Pipeline, #NoDAPL”, and “Dump Wells Fargo: Use Credit Unions”.

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