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We Rise with Standing Rock

Promo image for #NoDAPL march and rally in Seattle
Screen Shot 2017-03-08 at 12.57.25 PM

In solidarity with the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe’s global call to action against the Dakota Access Pipeline, indigenous grassroots leadership in Seattle is calling on local tribal nations and their allies to peacefully march and rally on FRIDAY. Coinciding with the Indigenous People’s March in Washington DC, speakers will include tribal chairpersons, indigenous NoDAPL leaders, and key allies.

We Rise with Standing Rock
Friday March 10, 3:00 – 6:00pm
Federal Building, 915 Second Avenue, Seattle 98104 – Rally starts at 3:00, march to Westlake at 3:30pm
Westlake Park, 4th Ave and Pine St, Seattle 98101 – Rally from 4:00 to 6:00pm

Please join us, and share this Facebook event! For more information, contact Millie Kennedy in the comment section of the event announcement.

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