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What does it mean for the City of Seattle to Stand with Standing Rock?

BREAKING! Right after we posted the message below (and emailed it to our list), we heard that the Finance Committee will discuss the Socially Responsible Banking Ordinance on February 1, as we asked. So please call your Council Member to ask for their support for the ordinance, and send a letter too. Thank you!

Finally, please also take ten seconds to sign this petition from the tribe–if the Corps begins the EIS process this week, it’ll be harder for the incoming administration to cancel it.


Three months ago, Standing Rock’s leadership requested that we “take bold action in our local communities to force investors to divest from the project.” In Seattle, we’ve done that: last week, dozens closed their accounts at Wells Fargo Center, as 500+ rallied outside (Wells Fargo is one of the largest investors in DAPL).

Now, thanks to Council Member Sawant, the City of Seattle is considering an ordinance for the City to terminate its $3 billion relationship with Wells Fargo…but there’s a problem: discussion of the ordinance has now been delayed for almost six weeks–and it’s not even on the agenda yet, despite the fact that Council President Harrell said last month that it should “be on a track to pass hopefully as soon as we get back from our break in January.”

This delay is in clear defiance of resolutions passed by both the Council and the Mayor’s office in solidarity with Standing Rock’s opposition to the Dakota Access Pipeline. It’s also an insult to the people of Standing Rock.

Please call Council President Harrell today to demand that the vote on the socially responsible banking ordinance is not delayed any longer!

Then, once you have called, please also take ten seconds to follow up with this form letter. Making calls is more impactful than simply sending an email, so please do take the time to make the call first if you can.

Finally, please also take ten seconds to sign this petition from the tribe–if the Corps begins the EIS process this week, it’ll be harder for the incoming administration to cancel it.

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