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Seattle Comprehensive Plan: Abundance not austerity!

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Support the MMIWP Families Gathering

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RSVP: Upcoming Events with Initiative I-137

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Stop Surveillance City Sign-On Letter

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Are you a Washington State Pension holder?
Campaign Victory

Hurray PSCAA!

This is what it looks like when another one starts biting the dust! Thanks to overwhelming public outcry (including a great eight days in December), the Puget Sound Clean Air Agency has sent PSE back to the drawing board, with a need for a greenhouse gas Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement (SEIS). Their hubris intact, they continue to build (despite lacking key permits)….but make no mistake, the tide has turned.

Stay tuned, and make sure to call the Council this week!


Last night, the resolution opposing the LNG facility was passed unanimously by the Washington Environment and Climate Caucus. On Saturday it will be put forward at the Democrats’ statewide party meeting in Bellingham. It was also passed without dissent by the King County Democrats, after previously being passed by the 43rd, 46th, 32nd, and 36th districts. They were joined by the 38th last night.As a result of passage, copies of the resolution will be sent to the Port, City Council and Mayor of Tacoma, the Governor and state Attorney General. This is momentum–please help us keep it up!

Want to do a resolution in your own city?

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