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At stake in this year’s Farm Bill is the right of all Americans, and state and local governments to maintain local control over our environment, our health, and our farms. Please send a message today.

Phone numbers for Washington Electeds Offices:

Representative Jayapal (202) 225-3106
Representative DelBene (202) 225-6311 
Representative Smith (202) 225-8901
Representative Kilmer (202) 225-5916
Representative Schrier (202) 225-7761
Representative Strickland (202) 225-9740
Representative Larsen (202) 225-2605 
Senator Cantwell: (202)224-3441
Senator Murray: (202) 224-2621

Call script: feel free to edit and speak your mind!

“Hello! My name is [insert name]. I am a [give a personal detail, like farmer/teacher/community organizer/etc] who lives in [insert location].

I am calling to urge you to oppose the inclusion of S.2019/H.R.4417, the Ending Agricultural Trade Suppression (EATS) Act or any version of the Act, in the Farm Bill. If passed, the EATS Act would block voters and local or state governments from establishing safeguards around the production or manufacture of agricultural products. This dangerous bill would erode state and local sovereignty to protect the communities within their borders. 

By eliminating these opportunities, the act will accelerate market concentration in the food and agriculture industries, giving multinational corporations the win over American farmers and ranchers.

I thank you for all your hard work and for considering this important request. 
Have a great day!”

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