Back to school? Make that the streets! Lots going on this month, so we’re glad you’re rested up. Let’s dive right in:
We have a full-time opening in our Staff Collective for someone who is a strong administrator—a fundraising/finance/operations lead. Read more here. We will begin reviewing applications on September 15th, so please share widely and apply soon.
This is where it gets real. Last month, Seattle City Council unanimously committed to a Green New Deal for our city. Now, they have the chance to back up their words with action.
Join us at City Hall Monday, September 16th as the City Council votes on three pieces of climate legislation:
- An ordinance creating a Green New Deal Oversight Committee
- An ordinance phasing out polluting oil heating in our homes
- A resolution supporting the September 20th Climate Walkout
Seattle Council: Vote YES on Climate Justice!
Monday, September 16, 2:00pm
Seattle City Hall, 600 4th Ave, Seattle 98104
Next up, on September 23rd, the City Council will vote on the Healthy Homes, Healthy Buildings ordinance. If passed, Seattle will be the first major city in the country to ensure that all new residential and commercial buildings receive their heating and power from carbon-neutral electricity, and not climate-wrecking, health-damaging fossil fuels. Join us for this historic vote:
Seattle Council: Vote YES for Healthy Homes, Healthy Buildings
Monday, September 23, 2:00pm
Seattle City Hall, 600 4th Ave, Seattle 98104
We know that utilities hooked on fossil fuels—(cough) Puget Sound Energy (cough)—will put their profits first and fight this tooth-and-nail―and so we need you to speak up as well as show up—take five minutes to call City Council right now and ask them to support climate justice and pass ALL of the major climate policies before them this September: Phone numbers and a call script are here. Calling after hours? Leave them a voice mail!
And if a Green New Deal for Seattle gets you excited, sign the petition and sign up to volunteer!
With millions of people around the world walking out of work, school and their everyday lives, September 20th is going to be the world’s largest-ever climate mobilization. Around the globe, there are over 1,300 Climate Strike events already confirmed with over 500 of them happening in the United States. Here in Seattle, the #ClimateStrike will be a full day of youth-centered action, including a peaceful march and powerful rally at City Hall. Before the march, we’ll gather at Cal Anderson Park for Climate Justice Fest: an interactive, family-friendly space for everyone to learn, skill-up, play and plug in to the movement.
Seattle Climate Walkout
Friday, September 20
9:00am–12:00pm, Climate Justice Fest at Cal Anderson Park, 1635 11th Ave, Seattle 98122
12:00–1:00pm, March from Cal Anderson Park to Seattle City Hall
1:00–3:00pm, Youth-led rally for climate justice at Seattle City Hall, 600 4th Ave, Seattle 98104
Climate Justice Fest is open to all, with trainings, climate movement orientations, music, interactive art and workshops led by youth and adult allies. RSVP here to join us for this powerful day and follow this event page for updates.
Organized by a broad coalition of youth and adult organizations, including Fridays for Future, WA Strike, Climate Action Families, Zero Hour Seattle, Sunrise Seattle, 350 Seattle, UAW 4121, Got Green, Young Women Empowered, Transit Riders Union, Mazaska Talks and more.
The Climate Walkout is only the very beginning of a full week of climate action, September 20th – 27th.
When Greta Thunberg and 46 other youth activists called for the September 20th Global Climate Walkout, these remarkable youth leaders asked us to “kickstart a week of climate action with a worldwide strike for the climate.” It was to use September 20th to “unleash mass resistance” in the week afterward, a week during which the United Nations and world leaders are gathering in New York to talk about the global response to the climate emergency.
Around the country, people are responding. Activists have promised to shut down the last remaining coal-fired power plant in New England, dozens of activist groups have committed to shutting down Washington D.C. for the day, and in Minnesota thousands are expected to march to stop the Line 3 pipeline.
Here in Washington, we’re gearing up for a full week of powerful action. Throughout September, we’re hosting and supporting the trainings, marches and rallies listed below, as well as bold actions to voice our demand for a stable future. Check out the full list here.
Be a part of infusing our movement with music!
Join The People’s Echo and learn original songs written for this very moment and how to be a song leader. Come release endorphins with us! Co-hosted with Sunrise Movement Washington! Contact Ahlay for more info.
Song Teach-In
Tuesday, September 10, 6:00–8:00pm
All Pilgrims, Weld Room, 509 10th Ave East (that’s the side door), Seattle 98102
RSVP and event page.
Pledge of Resistance Trainings
With the Climate Walkout on September 20 and the subsequent week of action, there may be calls to risk arrest or support those willing to do so. We still have some upcoming trainings in our Pledge of Resistance Training Series. Learn skills you may need for the upcoming week of actions and beyond!
Upcoming trainings include:
Tuesday, September 10, 7:00–9:00pm, Staying Healthy & Safe at Protests
Thursday, September 12, 7:00–9:00pm, Jail & Legal Support
Saturday, September 14, 1:00–6:00pm, Nonviolent Direct Action
More info and RSVP here.
Interactive Installation
A team of Artivists are creating installations to draw in the broad sector of the public who don’t normally engage in our events using art, music, dance, and conversation around how people are feeling about what’s going on, what they can envision, and what they can do.
Help get the word out about the Climate Strike and Week of Action during the Capitol Hill Art Walk and engage new folks through art and music. Want to get involved? We can use your help! Contact Lisa.
Art Talks for Climate
Thursday, September 12th
3:00–6:00pm, Interactive Installations at Cal Anderson Park or on Broadway, Seattle
7:00 – 9:00 pm, Showcase of powerful performers in Velocity Dance Center, 1621 12th Ave #100, Seattle, 98122
Friday, September 20, 9:00am–3:00pm
At Strike/Walkout events, Cal Anderson Park and Seattle City Hall
Saturday, September 21, 6:00–10:00pm
At the Luminata lantern walk at Green Lake Park, Seattle
More details on the Art Talks here. Also, at Velocity Dance Center we’ll be collecting food and camping gear donations (or loans) to support this next action…
Walk to Protect and Restore the Salish Sea
Join Protectors of the Salish Sea and grassroots partners in an Indigenous-led walk from Puyallup lands to Nisqually village site of St,chas (Washington State Capitol) to demand that the State of Washington officially declare a climate emergency, and for our legislators to draft emergency legislation to terminate all current fossil fuel expansion projects. The walk will culminate in a Climate Emergency Gathering at the Washington State Capitol on September 24th.
Walk to Protect and Restore the Salish Sea
Friday, September 20, 9:00am to Tuesday, September 24, 9:00am
For all the details, visit the shareable event page.
Lots of ways to support even if you can’t attend the entire walk! We are especially in need of support vehicles/drivers, kitchen assistance and camping gear. To plug in or offer support, contact Jess Lee.
No Line Divides Us
This family friendly land and water gathering hosted by Lummi Nation will be a mass gathering at the border to show that no line divides us–we are of one mind–when it comes to protecting our shared home. The event will be a celebration of the Salish Sea, and a rallying call for its protection. Speakers, music and unity circle. Wear RED!
Netse Mot: One Mind for Xw’ullemy (The Salish Sea)
Friday, September 27, 4:30–7pm.
Fishing Pier, 725 Milhollin Drive, Blaine, WA 98230
More details, including carpooling link, on this shareable event page and SacredSea.org.
Hundreds of people from across Puget Sound stood in solidarity with the Puyallup Tribe to oppose PSE’s dirty Tacoma LNG fracked gas facility at the recent public hearing, calling on the Puget Sound Clean Air Agency (PSCAA) to deny their permit.
Now it is time to take the next step. We have marched. We have submitted comments. We have testified. Yet PSCAA continues to move this project forward based on deeply flawed analysis and without legally required consultation with the Puyallup Tribe.
The PSCAA Board of Directors is made up of publicly elected officials from around Puget Sound that represent YOU. This precedent-setting decision requires action—it is time for them to intervene in this failed process and show their climate leadership. Tell your representative: We can’t build a clean energy future by investing in dirty energy.
And speaking of fighting with your whole heart, here is a hopeful documentary about Sandra Steingraber, an introspective biologist and mother, who reinvents herself into an outspoken activist and throws herself into an environmental war that many believe is unwinnable.
Followed by Q&A with special guest Sandra Steingraber
Tuesday, September 10, doors open at 5:30
Vashon Theater, 17723 Vashon Hwy SW, Vashon, WA 98070
Free, with $10 suggested donation to help fight Tacoma LNG
More details here.
Support the Tacoma LNG legal challenges! Our local permitting agencies have failed to protect the public’s health and safety, they have put corporations above future generations, and completely disregarded the sovereignty and rights of the Puyallup Tribe. But we’re not giving up—too much is at stake—and more people are standing with us than ever. Together we WILL keep the proposed Tacoma LNG from ever becoming operational! Please give what you can!
Remember the world’s largest methanol refinery? Last year the proposed monstrosity was required to complete a supplemental environmental impact statement. A big win, because upstream methane leaks from fracking were going to be factored into the analysis, right? Not so much—the state hired the same contractors who did the egregious Tacoma LNG assessment and guess what—using cherry-picked studies and outdated information, they produced a final report that attempts to deceive the public and regulators about the use, and true impacts, of the methanol.
Now the fight moves to the court of public opinion—so get out your typing fingers and send off a letter to the editor of your favorite publications. Let them know it’s time for Governor Inslee to back up his good talk and the Department of Ecology to stand up for our future: Ignore the greenwashed final SEIS and deny this project. Need some ammunition? Here’s some facts, and here’s some more. Go get ‘em, tiger!
Victory in court
The approval of the appeal by six First Nations based on insufficient consultation is a good sign that the expansion of the Trans Mountain tar sands pipeline, now owned by Canada, could be delayed again, and potentially defeated. But to do that, it’s going to take lawyers and fundraising. Can you help? Chip in to Pull Together here.
Trans Mountain pipe arrives in Vancouver, WA
Thirty percent of Trans Mountain pipe isn’t made in Canada. In fact, it’s arriving on ships at the Port of Vancouver, Washington, where local activists were on hand to meet one. Sound like your kind of fun? There’s an all-day NVDA 101 training coming up on Sunday, September 15 in Portland. More details here.
Failure to plan for tar sand oil spills
Tar sands crude oil is already moving through our region—by barge on Puget Sound, by pipeline through Whatcom and Skagit counties, and by train through eastern Washington, then along the Columbia River Gorge and up the Salish Sea.
Since tar sands crude is heavy, it sinks when spilled and is virtually impossible to clean up, causing irreparable damage to shoreline communities and vulnerable aquatic ecosystems.
The good news is that the legislature told the Department of Ecology to update their rules for addressing tar sand spills. The bad news is that the early drafts of the updated spill plan suck. Want to help make it better? Check out this fact sheet and submit a comment!
Oil Spill Contingency Plan Public Hearing
Tuesday, September 17, 1:00–4:00pm
Courtyard Seattle-Everett Downtown, 3003 Colby Avenue, Everett, WA 98201
Shareable event page here.
Online webinar
Thursday, September 26, 6:00 pm
Use this access link. For audio, 1-571-317-3122 / access code 696815493
There will also be in-person events in Spokane and Vancouver, WA. Tell your friends!
Our new Equity and Inclusion workgroup is the next iteration of Frontline Allies, continuing to supercharge all our work, and deepening our equity work across the org with Lisa facilitating, and coaching from BJ at Wildfire. We have 7 co-leads on 4 teams: Solidarity, Equity Filter, Education, and Hiring, all of which have set ambitious but achievable goals for the year. We are looking for folks to engage as part of the Solidarity Team. If you are interested in getting involved in this important work, please RSVP to Kara who is developing the Solidarity Team.
Given these changes, this will be the last month that we have a Frontline Allies meeting in its current format. Please join us Monday, September 16, at 7 pm to hear more about ways we can deepen our understanding of systemic oppression and be in solidarity with climate justice organizations. If this is your first meeting, please plan to arrive at 6:40 for an orientation. Please RSVP to Lisa if you plan to attend—given how much is going on that week, we may need to cancel the meeting if there aren’t enough attendees. Location to be determined!
Coastal Gas Link bulldozes Wet’suwet’en War Trail
The Unist’ot’en Solidarity Brigade is calling for support! The action requests are to call a couple Canadian officials, DONATE to the legal fund, and, if you’re able, apply and register to come to camp for at least 2 weeks. Additionally, please share this video and info widely so that people are aware of the continued assault on Indigenous people by fossil fuel corporations!
There is a great deal of work to do to complete projects underway, to prepare for the next winter season, to support the ongoing running of the Camp, and the never-ending opposition to unauthorized intrusions onto the territory.
L’eau Est La Vie comes to town!
Come hear from three of the most effective organizers on Turtle Island about the ongoing work fighting Energy Transfer Partners, community resiliency in the Gulf South, and visions and plans for how to fight back.
L’eau Est La Vie West Coast Tour
Sunday, September 29, 6:00–8:00pm
Hillman City Collaboratory, 5623 Rainier Ave S., Seattle 98118
Event page here.
$20 suggested donation at the door but no one turned away for lack of funds.
The L’eau Est La Vie Camp’s sustained resistance campaign delayed the completion of the Bayou Bridge Pipeline—the tail end of the Dakota Access Pipeline—for over a year. In addition to costing Energy Transfer Partners upwards of a billion dollars, the camp galvanized the fight for climate justice in the Gulf South and serves as an amazing example of how effective a small group of committed activists with powerful leadership can be.
Mobility is a human right! We’re joining TRU’s new campaign to push for transit passes for everyone, starting with asking big businesses to pay their share. Join us and get involved at the…
Orca for All Campaign Launch
Wednesday, September 11, 6:00–8:00pm
SEIU 775 Benefits Group, 215 Columbia St, Ste 300, Seattle 98104.
Shareable event page here.
The bike pieces of #MASSTransportationPackage passed unanimously—read all about it here, and here. More multimodal transportation legislation is queued up for September votes.
And in the annals of “Wait a minute! People have been twisting environmental rules to stop environmentally necessary housing and even block bike lanes? That’s Machiavellian!” we bring you: SEPA reform. Please come to ensure that climate-friendly, housing-friendly voices are present as the Council wisely considers streamlining City rules to discourage frivolous SEPA (State Environmental Policy Act) appeals of new housing.
Evening Public SEPA Hearing
Monday, September 9, 5:15–8:00pm
Seattle City Council, 600 4th Ave, Seattle 98104
More details here. Can’t make it? Comment online!
The Puget Sound Regional Council makes the big, region-wide plans around here, and their new one, Vision 2050, will guide where growth occurs in our region over the next 30 years.
Ensuring transit-oriented growth, compact and clustered around transit connections, is key to reducing climate pollution from cars—and, right now, the plan doesn’t do nearly enough to promote transit-oriented development. We’ll submit an organizational comment, but more voices are needed—here’s your chance to add yours.
Save the date for these upcoming King County climate workshops! These three public workshops are an opportunity for you to provide input into King County’s 2020 Strategic Climate Action Plan:
Wednesday, October 2, 6:00–8:00pm, Bellevue College, RSVP here for East King County
Saturday, October 12, 10:00am–12:00pm, University of Washington, RSVP here for North King County
Wednesday, October 16, 6:00–8:00pm, Highline College, RSVP here for South King County
For the last year we’ve been fighting Trump’s new NAFTA, calling out its pro-corporate and climate damaging provisions. Many of us have been lobbying Congressional reps and speaking out on social media, even performing in this anti-NAFTA skit! While we’re hearing about opposition to the deal in Congress (Representatives Smith and Jayapal both oppose it), there’s still a chance that Trump will bring it to a vote. Stay tuned.
We welcome all skill levels in any art form, and have lots going on to jump into, from occasional participation to leadership opportunities. Join online here or come to art builds whenever you can! They are fun, no-skills-needed community gatherings with food and good connections.
Join the Deployment Team!
Ever wish you had a role during actions and events? Come learn crucial skills with us! We need you! Contact Shemona. Lots of opportunities to learn by doing this month!
If you’re a skilled artist (visual, theater, dance, music…) and want to apply your skill or show others how, please let us know! Contact Lisa.
Join our Photo/Imagery Library Team!
We’re organizing our photos and imagery data and are looking for folks who want to join a team to do photo sorting and labeling for our events and our imagery library. Also looking for an imagery co-librarian! Contact Lisa.
Looking for an easy way to help out at 350 Seattle? Curious about other ways to get involved? Join us on the third Wednesday of every month to meet others and help out with all the small things that keep 350 going! Tasks range from phone calls to data entry to arts and crafts. Stop by anytime from 3 to 7pm on Wednesday September 18th at our office, 1127 10th Ave East, Seattle. Questions? Contact Shemona.
Our Monthly Sustainer Drive is live! We are a grass roots organization and we want to be powered by the community not corporate sponsors. This year our goal is to reach 100 new donors! Can you sign up to help us reach that goal?
Tickets for our fall fundraiser are on sale now! Come celebrate with us on Friday, November 15th at the Centilia Cultural Center. Early bird tickets available now until September 15th. Buy now and save $10! Want to help volunteer on the day of the event? Contact Shemona!
Happy end of summer, everyone! See you in the streets!