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The largest-ever protest of bank investment in fossil fuels!

Divestment campaign activists block entrance to Bank of America in downtown Seattle

What a week it was! With actions in over 60 cities, 10 countries and 4 continents, it was the largest-ever protest of bank investment in fossil fuels. Here in Seattle — where our friends at Mazaska Talks dreamed up the whole crazy idea! — we shut down 3 banks and disrupted business at over 100 more, as Bill McKibben and LaDonna Brave Bull Allard joined us to inform them that hundreds of thousands are now boycotting their business until they stop financing all tar sands projects.

As part of the action, 6 brave activists were arrested — helping us deliver the messageloud and clear that we will no longer tolerate the financing of climate disaster. Can you please support those arrested by donating to our legal fund here?

Check out and share the #DivestTheGlobe wrap-up video! (Or on FB here.)

Since Standing Rock, the banks have lost billions of dollars due to their investment in fossil fuels. It’s no surprise that in the last 6 months we’ve seen US Bank, ING Bank, Desjardins, and BNP (the second largest bank in Europe) begin to move away from the financing of fossil fuels. Yet with time running out, there’s still so much work left to be done.

To get involved in our ongoing #DeFundDisaster campaign, please email AlecAnd to stay tuned to our future civil disobedience actions, sign the Pacific Northwest Pledge of Resistance.  

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