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Let's Build Social Housing in Seattle! Find an event for Prop1A

On Wednesday, over 150 people delivered a financial report to Mayor Murray showing that over the last ten years, the City of Seattle’s pension fund (SCERS) has lost $65 million by remaining invested in fossil fuels.

Not only are we still invested in companies hell-bent on climate destruction–we’re wasting millions of taxpayer dollars by doing so.

Mayor Murray has two appointees on the SCERS board, and they haven’t been supporting divestment. Can you help by

  1. Making a one-minute call to leave a message asking Mayor Murray to support fossil fuel divestment? 
  2. Taking thirty seconds to send him an email to reinforce the message?

Now, more than ever, cities like Seattle need to align their money with their values. And as we discovered with the Wells Fargo win, when our elected officials hear from hundreds of us, they listen.

To help us win this campaign, we are aiming to have over 1000 City employees and retirees sign our petition. Over the next few weeks, we’ll be petitioning outside of City buildings almost every day. We can only do this with a lot of help! If you are able to help with a petitioning shift, that would be a wonderful contribution to this effort. You can sign up for a shift here.

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