On October 11, 5 climate activists (two of them core organizers of 350 Seattle) turned the emergency shut-off valves on the 5 pipelines that carry Canadian tar sands oil into the United States. It was an unprecedented act of non-violent direct action that shut down the dirtiest 15% of US crude oil imports for nearly a day. For this peaceful act embodying the bold response to climate change that we need to see globally, they could face decades in prison.
This Monday, December 12, 350 Seattle is hosting a Civil Disobedience Today Forum & Fundraiser, featuring all five of the valve turners: 6:30pm at Sole Repair on Capitol Hill. Please join us, and RSVP here.
Asked about this action, Bill McKibben replied “We are now fully immersed in the climate crisis, with the earth’s ice melting and its oceans turning ever more acid. Hence it is reasonable and necessary that people take nonviolent but increasingly firm action to try and address this emergency. Those who have acted will be considered great heroes by future citizens.”
Can you sign a statement of support for them? And share it with friends? If people understand the nature of the crisis that inspires such actions, we might just have a chance, because as Justin Trudeau has said, “governments might grant permits, but only communities can grant permission.” And when it comes to fossil fuels, we must stop granting permission.
If you can’t make it Monday, but are interested in hearing more, join the valve turners on Tuesday from 5pm-6pm for their first web chat: What Would You Do to Save the Planet? More information here.