9/20, 1pm, Peace Arch Park (map)
- Act in solidarity with the historic People’s Climate March in New York
- Honor the International Treaty to Protect the Sacredness of the Salish Sea to be signed 9/23 by Coast Salish Nations
- Join the call for cross-border action by citizens and politicians to defend the Salish Sea from the juggernaut of new coal, oil, and LNG export projects
On September 20th, as world leaders gather for the UN climate summit in New York, Canadians, Americans, First Nations, Native American tribes, and all the diverse communities of the Salish Sea will gather at the Peace Arch to send a unified and clear message to world leaders, as well as to our own local elected officials: it is time for unprecedented action to defend the Salish Sea and our global climate from fossil fuel development. We will reach out across the border, literally taking each other’s hands; share our struggles and aspirations for a livable planet; and pledge to take unified action to protect the climate, ecosystems, economies, communities, and way of life of the cultures and nations that inhabit the Salish Sea bioregion.
The time for talk and posturing is long past: there can be no more failed international talks on climate. As we rally at the Peace Arch, we will stand with people from all over the world to let governments know that now is the time for rapid, dramatic, and equitable reduction of carbon emissions. Join us!
Join the Facebook event for updates.
Sponsored by: 350 Seattle, the Wilderness Committee, and the Georgia Strait Alliance