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Let's Build Social Housing in Seattle! Find an event for Prop1A

(photo by Fred Felleman)

A million thanks to everyone who made it so–the speakers, workshop leaders, and volunteers, especially, but also all of you who took the time to join us. We’ve received lots of notes from people energized by the event, and we’re thrilled that the movement is growing so strong. We need every one of you!

Don’t forget to visit the ACT page for follow-up actions you can take in the coming weeks and months.

Pictures available here, or you can see all of them on Flickr……and video of all the speakers is here:

Climate Kids in the first 6 minutes

350 Seattle’s own Adam Gaya (about 6:00-10:00)

Sundance Chief Rueben George (10:00 – 18:20)

Erich Pica, Friends of the Earth (19:30 – 24:00)

350 Seattle’s own Lynn Fitz-Hugh (26:10 – 31:20)

and her daughter, Sara Grendon (31:20 – 34:45)

Hereditary Chief Phil Lane Jr. (38:45 – 48:40)

Mayor Mike McGinn (49:10 – 54:20)

and of course, Bill McKibben (about 54:20 – 1:06:53)


and the press is starting to roll in:

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