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350 Seattle Annual Report for 2017
2017 Annual Report


350 Seattle 2017 Annual Report

2017 was a profoundly challenging year for anyone who cares about climate change—or justice, democracy, or truth. Yet in the face of unprecedented challenges, people flooded into 350 Seattle and helped us achieve important victories. From persuading the City of Seattle to remove $3 billion from Wells Fargo due to pipeline financing, to staving off every fossil fuel project proposed in WA State, 350 Seattle has demonstrated the power of grassroots climate action. So-called political realities are destroying life on earth, so we intend to keep changing them—by being inspiring, creative, people-powered, and resolved, while never dumbing down the challenges we face. We cannot wait three more years. By enacting bold local policies that transition us away from fossil fuel dependency, Seattle can be a model for the rest of the country. With your help, this is within our power. - The Hub / Board of Directors
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