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Category: Break Free

Valve Turners celebrate after being acquitted by a Skagit County Jury

Once Again, a Skagit County Jury Refuses to Convict Climate Activists

On Friday, for second time in less than 3 months, a Skagit County jury refused to convict climate activists of a crime that they openly admitted to. The six defendants had blockaded the train tracks into the Anacortes refineries for 36 hours as part of the global Break Free from Fossil Fuels mobilization in May 2016; they were charged with criminal trespass in the second degree.

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Activists pose together with state reps in Olympia Washington

Last week, six people were tried for misdemeanor criminal trespass in the second degree in Skagit County District Court, Mt. Vernon, WA. Their “crime” was to have taken part in an oil train blockade as part of the Break Free mobilization of May 2016.

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Break Free!

Minutes ago, dozens of people began setting up a camp on the tracks near Tesoro and Shell’s March Point refineries near Anacortes. The group is setting up tents and building temporary structures; they say they intend to stay, blocking the flow of oil at the refineries for as long as possible.

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We need you.


The urgency of the climate crisis demands a passionate and resolute response. Over three days next month, we’ll put our bodies on the line to stop the flow of oil into and out of the March Point refineries.

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Promo ad for Break Free event

Official launch: Break Free from Fossil Fuels

The Shell and Tesoro refineries near Anacortes, WA refine 47% of all the gas and diesel consumed in the NW, and are the largest source of carbon emissions in the Northwest; they are an integral part of the system we must change—within years, not decade

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